I live in Maine. I love living in Maine. I love the beauty around me, the fact that I can drive anywhere and park, and that people are nice to each other. While I ignore some signage along the way that is against everything I believe in politically, I can live next to my neighbors with kindness and consideration, even if our politics are different.
I love Maine.
Wednesday. Worst mass shooting this year. Less than an hour from me. And, the man who did the shooting is still at large, and so we are all in lockdown and every store and public place in my world is closed. The camaraderie around shared breakfasts at my favorite local diner are not happening, when we need them most.
Last night, a friend asked me if I locked my car (I leave my keys in the car most nights), and so while on the phone I went out and locked it. After I hung up, I went back out and unlocked it and put the key in it. If the shooter wants my car, he can take it. I don't want him coming into my house to get the key.
Then there was the press conference yesterday with Susan Collins doing her quick step dance, the one where she wrings her hands and pretends she is on the side of right, when she always caves to the party line that destroys women's rights, and holds back gun control. I got a bunch of calls. My friends were outraged by her demeanor and quick step to non-accountability without the music. Outraged.
I finally couldn't take it anymore.
“You sound surprised. That surprises me.”
“No, I’m just telling you how slippery she was.”
“But she was the same way with Kavanaugh, and then again with the Barrett vote, and then when they reversed Roe V Wade, she said, ‘but they promised.’ I don’t understand why you are calling me to tell me she is behaving exactly the way she always has. I can’t hear it anymore.. Isn’t it time to stop talking about it and do something?”
It wasn’t a pleasant conversation, and to be honest, I don’t really care. My friends, my liberal, well-wishing friends, and me continue with the same pattern over and over again. Hand wringing. Eyes on the screen for days around the tragedy. Outrage. Contributions to organizations that are still not getting the job done; the same organizations we have been giving to for years. Two weeks later focusing on the next pressing issue.
Should I turn to Albert? Such a smart guy. “ The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
That’s what we do, the same thing over and over again. Leaving the power in the same hands (Chuck Schumer this is meant for you!), to get the job done and when they don’t, we just keep voting them in.
It’s time we own our failure, naivety and well-meaning impotence. It’s ours. Me and my friends. I own it.
What am I offering?
Follow the money.
Politicians follow the money. On both sides of the aisle. So let’s put the money on the side of right and simple things - like citizen safety.
As far as gun control, the NRA money is controlling the politicians controlling the laws that are killing our children. Let’s start there.
In April, the NRA had 4.3 million members. The members vote each year to determine who will run the NRA. A one year membership to the NRA is $45, which is substantially less than I have paid to people who are trying to change the gun laws in this country. What if 10,000,000 of we the people joined the NRA and elected me president of it? Ok, not me, but someone with an eye toward bringing to where the rest of the world sits around gun control and its place in society.
Who’s with me?
Postscript: Many people have gotten in touch. Do not join the NRA… yet. We are looking into the options and will get back to you. Thanks. C.
Good idea. Except it means giving $450 million to a corrupt organization that will no doubt rig the election, or otherwise change the bylaws.