Johnny Depp & Amber Heard
LM (one of my posse) called me as soon as the verdict came in.
“What am I going to do with the rest of my life?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I am consumed with this case. What am I going to do now?”
When Trump was defeated two short years ago, I had a bit of “What will I watch now?” syndrome. I’d spent the past four years consuming MSNBC’s news of what he’d done each day, spiking my adrenaline levels and blood pressure in the process. I rarely missed a day of watching the political news and commentary. Fear. Elation (rarely). Concern. Rage.
I felt the same way during the O.J. trial. With the shocking verdict and the crazy commentary, I got over it quickly, but there was an obsessive nature to my watching of the trial.
But in my snooty mind which considers myself above the NY Post and people like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, I didn’t consider their trial in the same vein as the above mentioned events.
Here are a few things to consider:
A client told me this morning that he was shocked by the social media conviction of Amber long before the trial was even partway through. My personal experience after having done some not particularly reliable research is that it was women who turned on Amber, not men. Lots of women. Millions of women. Look, I think she is a loony tune for sure, but texts from him saying she is a whore and then remarking he hopes someone kills her should not be overlooked when you judge this dynamic duo of destruction. Come on, seriously? How can anyone support either one of these people? Or get consumed by the trial itself.
I guess we need to look back. Do you have any idea how many women wrote to Scott Peterson in prison, offering their services and total commitment to providing him with anything he needed? You remember Scott Peterson. He murdered his nine-month-pregnant wife on Christmas Day. OK, I may be exaggerating; it might have been Christmas Eve.
And then, of course, we have the Alabama corrections officer last month who shot herself after helping a very, very tall inmate to escape and going on the run with him. He walked away and is back in prison. She’s in the ground.
Should I go on? Serial killers get hundreds of letters of support ... from women.
Back to Johnny and Amber and their toxic love story. So Johnny gets $15 million dollars. Amber gets $2 million dollars. But Amber doesn’t have $15 million dollars. According to her lawyer, she has assets of $10 million, which is strange, because she testified under oath that she wasn’t able to pay her pledge to two nonprofits because she had no money as a result of the trial and Johnny’s harassment having cost her work. I know this only because it was one of the many texts sent by my sister that contained videos for me to watch. And we, the taxpayers, or huddled masses yearning to breathe free of this twosome, only paid $7 million for the trial to take place. Since MILLIONS have been watching it, it was a rather good deal for the price, I guess.
It wasn’t just LM sending texts, by the way. I put her in touch with two friends who were equally committed to TeamJohnny and his quest for redemption, and they created a text chain. I’ll share a little of it here, without their permission:
Team Johnny!
Hi! 😍 And Christine, the people need a break from all that serious death and destruction. This is the perfect thing! Plus…hello, it’s Johnny!
Totally consumed by this case. Hi J!
I figured! Lol!
Did you see the video of her getting in the elevator with Franco? She’s very good. Very “ please save me I’m a damsel in distress
Yes I did!!
Oh my god that video was crazy
There was a rumor Franco and musk were Going to testify but I don’t think it’s true
Omg I hope it is true!! Lol
Where is this trial taking place?
That would be the highlight of my year
That would be amazing if they did! I heard that rumor too.
L if that is the highlight of your year we need to reevaluate how you’re spending your time
Hahaha same!!!
I feel bad for Ambers baby.
My highlight also!!
She hired a surrogate God forbid she got a Stretch mark and I do too feel sorry for her kid
Mind blow. Didn’t even know she had a baby!!!
Where is the baby? Is he paying child support? Is he the father?
She won’t say who the father
Well how old is the baby
That I don’t know
Baby is a year old. Sperm donor dad. She wanted a kid so she bought one.
Oonagh is her name. Poor kid
I saw that kid’s name and I thought oh my God
Trust me, there is no baby. (This comment was from me and comes from the wonderful rom-com with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant, Two Week’s Notice, which was far more entertaining than this mind-numbing, set-women-back sham of a trial driven by destroying the accuser - even if she is not attractive in any way.)
Oh there is a baby. Who knows, she might be a great mom. Remember Octomom? No one thought she was gonna be any good and she turned out great, and so did her bajillion children. So maybe little Oonag will be ok.
Yeah but she wanted a bunch of children. I think this chick is really messed up.
This chick is psycho.
And, that is the way it went. All over the world. Women attacking our own with results that just might include sending those getting their courage together to speak out about wrongs never acknowledged, by men in positions of power who will never change unless there are repercussions for their bad, illegal, assaultive behavior, back to the dark ages of secrecy and shame.
Huddle up my fellow women. Please let’s get ourselves together to do better.
Full disclosure says I have to tell you that I read every text they sent, and sometimes sent some of my own. It was entertainment for me.
It’s over, and hopefully, in my opinion, so are both of their careers. A pox on both their houses is the only result to celebrate.