I have not read any of these books (other than passages here and there), though I have a copy of each in my library. Given your takes on the dense, repetitive, and disjointed texts, is it possible a) that they were never intended to be read cover to cover and/or b) that they made for easier reading/listening during the centuries in which they were respectively written, revised. and governed societies much more impactfully and broadly than the 21st century? P.S. ring dings are worthy items to be finished in their entireties and you both should be proud of the accomplishment.

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Thank you for not judging the Ring Dings (which should always be capitalized. A little respect please.) The thing is... the BIble is year after year the most sold book in the world, for centuries. So, one has to take seriously the fact that most people have one, but they haven't read one. Which says something right???

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J.P. Morgan collected many, many Bibles in his library. I recommend, The Personal Librarian, a novel about Bella da Costa Greene and her true-life involvement with the Morgan and the Library (and Bible collecting).

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