Ok I was slightly addicted to this "conversation" like a train wreck. I don't understand the whole QVC/HSN thing, they're like infomercials at 7am on a Sunday - which I'm happy to say I avoid like the plague. I never liked the sales pressure hype, "if you buy in the next xx minutes you'll get the bonus...". I do get roped into some of these on FB and IG which I desperately try to pull myself away from. Now I did just read this morning, in some other article, that I found while doing my morning scroll, that QVC-type of buying is a Baby Boomer thing just like hemmed jorts (jean shorts). Apparently only Baby Boomers wear hemmed jean shorts while the hip crowd has cutoffs. Ok got to run and remove my hemmed jorts from my wardrobe before I'm leered at in public. I'm a baby boomer cusp-er. Thank you for the fun read Christine!

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That is absolutely hysterical, Christine. And I did read the entire thing. And...I understand your friend and can help her. I have never shopped on QVC or HSN but as you probably know I had a fairly serious perfume addiction which I have kicked. Mostly. I could be her sponsor. And, I swear there is a thing called SA (Shoppers Anonymous). Has to be. Nope. It's called Spenders Anonymous: http://www.spenders.org/abstinence.html

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I'm worried about myself who actually read that entire dialogue. I have never shopped on QVC and now, for sure I never will

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